Clinical Orientation: I’m a Clinical Social Worker and Addiction Counselor licensed in the State of CT. I have been trained in psychodynamic, solution focused and EMDR (Eye Movement, Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapies. As an EMDRIA Approved Consultant and training Facilitator, Basic and Advanced Trainer, my training in EMDR has been extensive. I have 30 years of training in trauma and addiction . I work with individuals, groups and organizations to provide guidance and supervision on work with individuals who struggle with trauma, neglect and addiction.
I can create a personalized plan with you or your organization to meet your unique needs.
Why EMDR?:
My work and life has been greatly influenced by EMDR. I use EMDR as my primary therapeutic modality. As an EMDR Facilitator , Consultant and Trainer, I coach and train other therapists in the use of EMDR, in particular how to use EMDR to address addictions. The EMDR driven changes I have witnessed personally and professionally have been compelling. Deep rooted habits can change quickly, which leads to incredible life shifts. This is not easy work, EMDR is a trauma therapy and the work can be difficult and intense. But slugging through days re-experiencing incidents from the past or repeating old emotional habits that do not work is not easy either. Therapy is about change, in my opinion, EMDR gets you there faster. But don’t take my word for it, to read about EMDR related research or about specific details about EMDR please take a look at these reputable websites below. – This website includes research, EMDR information and a search engine to locate an EMDR therapist near you. – Similar information as above. – To locate other EMDR therapists within CT, this site also lists what insurance these therapists take and the level of their EMDR training.
For information or to receive updates for services and training please contact me:
Hope Payson
LCSW, LADC and EMDR Consultant